“Immigration: The Effects on Low-Skilled and High-Skilled Native-Born Workers”
Linda Levine, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, January 16, 2007
Summary: Overall, immigration has not reduced the wages of high-skilled native-born workers. Most of the studies that analyze this impact have found little difference between wage and employment of native-born workers in areas with high/low immigrant concentrations.
“Immigration’s Economic Impact”
Executive Office of the President, Council of Economic Advisers, January 20, 2007
Summary: Report focuses on immigration’s positive impact on US natives’ income and overall benefit to the economy.
“Is the New Immigration Really so Bad?”
Dr. David Card. National Bureau Economic Research, August 2005
Summary: Post-1965 immigrants and their offspring are economically doing well and have better wages and many have better wages and education levels than natives.
“Deporting the Undocumented”
Rajeev Goyle and David A. Jaegar, Ph.D, Center for American Progress, July 16, 2005
Summary: This report analyzes the cost of deporting the undocumented. Authors estimate that a massive deportation effort would be at least $206 billion over five years. They offer estimates on the costs based on apprehension, detention, legal costs, and transport for undocumented immigrants.
“The Taxation of Undocumented Immigrants: Separate, Unequal, and Without Representation”
Francine J. Lipman, Harvard Latino Law Review, Spring 2006
Summary: Undocumented immigrants actually contribute more to social services than they cost. They contribute to the economy by consuming and purchasing goods. Also, although they will not receive any monetary or other social benefit in return, they are required to pay taxes and make contributions to Social Security and Medicare.
“On Labor Day: Don’t Pit Immigrants Against Black Workers”
Dr. Steven Pitts, San Francisco Chronicle. Sept 3, 2007
Summary: Article examines how African American workers and Latino immigrant workers are pitted against each other. Also, it explains that there is no relationship between Black unemployment and increasing immigration rates.
“Blacks Losing Jobs to Illegals? Alderman calls claim ‘ludicrous’”
Mary O’Leary. New Haven Register. January 27, 2008
Summary: The article reports on a New Haven Alderman who believes that pitting African Americans and immigrants is counterproductive. Article also reports there is no consensus on whether there is a connection between Black unemployment and immigration.