“The Diffusion of Mexican Immigrants during the 1990s: Explanations and Impacts”
David Card and Ethan G. Lewis, National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2005
Summary: This paper analyzes the new distribution of Mexican immigrants, whereby Mexicans are no longer primarily establishing themselves in the Southwest or Chicago. Cities that previously had a relatively low Mexican population have begun experiencing an increase of their communities. In addition, it analyzes push and pull factors in Mexico and US economies that could explain this new diffusion and examines the local impacts that this immigration has had to these areas.
“Estimating the Undocumented Population”
United States Government Accountability Office, September 2006
Summary: This report explores the proper method in surveying the foreign born. The “grouped answers” approach seems to be widely accepted among immigrant advocates; this method does not directly ask whether a respondent is undocumented. Thus, it allows a safer way to calculate more reliable estimates of the immigrant population.
“A Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population at Mid-Decade”
Pew Hispanic Center, January 2008
Summary: This data set provides social characteristics of the foreign born population in the United States. It gives estimates on items such as: Population by Race and Ethnicity, Country of Birth, Median Age by Sex and Region of Birth, Foreign Born by State, Marital Status, English Ability, etc.
“The Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population in the US”
Pew Hispanic Center, March 7, 2006
Summary: Using the Current Population Survey, this report provides statistics and characteristics of the undocumented immigrant population in the United States.
“Estimates of the Unauthorized Migrant Population for States based on the March 2005 CPS”
Pew Hispanic Center, April 26, 2006
Summary: This Fact Sheet gives estimates, using the 2005 Current Population Survey, of the number of unauthorized migrants in the US.
“Modes of Entry for the Unauthorized Migrant Population”
Pew Hispanic Center, May 22, 2006
Summary: This Fact Sheet provides estimated statistics for the various forms of entry (Visa Overstayers, Border Crossing Violators, and those who enter illegally without inspection) of unauthorized immigrants in the United States.
“2007 National Survey of Latinos: As Illegal Immigration Issue Heats Up, Hispanics Feel a Chill”
Pew Hispanic Center, December 19, 2007
Summary: This report presents the findings of the National Survey of Latinos which emphasized Latino views toward illegal immigration, perceptions of discrimination, and the immigration debate.
“Hispanic Immigrants and Citizens in Virginia”
Qian Cai, University of Virginia, February 2008
Summary: A majority of Hispanic Virginians are U.S. citizens. Adult Hispanic citizens surpass Virginians overall in both educational attainment and household income. The study also noted that both Hispanic citizens and immigrants are over-represented in Virginia’s military.